Monday, February 28, 2011

Thank you

So there I was. All ready to say goodbye once and for all to the blogosphere. I was feeling like what is there to say? I don't know what to write. Then I read the comment from Jenn, and it made me stop and think. She shared a bit of her GF life, and I had shared a bit of mine. Because, really, isn't that why I got into blogging in the first place? To hear and be heard? To be part of a community that welcomes everyone, no matter age, race, religion, or medical issues? So what if 8 out of 9 posts are rambling and incoherent and DULL. That one little post makes it worth it.
I was recently reading some forums on Celiac Feed, and there are so many newly diagnosed teens out there! And most of them seem confused, and unsure, and frankly, a bit scared. Just like I was!!!! And it made me want to reach out to them and help them and show them that there are so many of us! So if Celiac Cake is my way of doing that, then I will keep blogging. Even if it is only two posts a month. Or less! Maybe I only help one person, maybe I help none. That is okay! I just feel like the reason I started was to create a community of GF people. Teens, kids, adults. Not a support group, just a place to ask questions, answer questions. Because thanks to the internet, even if we are miles apart we can still be united.

Okay, That was my little pep talk to my self. Also, I was feeling "deep." But all of that is still true.

Thanks for sticking with me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Chocolate? Not for me.**

**Mainly because I don't like raspberry filling. Ew.

Ahh...Valentine's Day. Cupid Day. Heart Day. Whatever you want to call it, it is pink, red, white, and chocolaty. Also, it usually involves class parties. Which tend to involve cupcakes. And cookies. And various other Gluten-Filled foods.

Cue Operation GF Infiltration. OF MY LUNCHBOX!!!!!! Whenever a holiday is coming up, and I suspect some celebrations to be imminent, I make sure my lunchbox is fully stocked with GF cookies, chips, and other general GF yumminess.

So. That's how I do it. What do you guys to do?