Monday, January 31, 2011

My February Resolution

New year, new you. That is what all the ad campaigns have almost wrapped up saying until 2012. Well, I am saying New February, TIME TO ACTUALLY DO SOME BLOGGING, YOUR FORGETFUL TEENAGER, YOU!!!!!!!

So, my apologies for being the type of kid who goes on the computer with one intent and ends up on Facebook an hour later saying "wait, why did I come in here?"

Anyway, Valentines Day is coming up and all my pallies and I are freaking out, because we still haven't mailed those Christmas gifts, and oh-my-goodness So-and-So's Birthday is coming up, and what should I get her, I only have 20 bucks, and all kinds of fun things like that.

(Segue in next topic)
The answer to what I am getting for "So-and-So's" Birthday is simple. One word, four letters. All yummy. If you are thinking Cake! Then you are..ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!!

Giving people cake or some other sweet for their birthday is my 'thing'. As I look at it, most everybody loves cake, (and if they do not cake, I make cookies), cake is affordable, and cake can be whatever you want it to be. All that matters is how you decorate it. Which is how I am giving one of my best girlfriends an "iPad" for her birthday.

Been up to any gluten-free escapades lately?


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So I have really fallen of the blogging wagon lately. Whoops. Sorry about that.

I love cake. That is the whole story. Something about the month of January makes me want cake more than usual, however. So I am thinking about making some cake. Not for a birthday, not for a party, just so I can eat it. :)

This was a short and random post, but I am just getting back in the swing of things!
