Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Chocolate? Not for me.**

**Mainly because I don't like raspberry filling. Ew.

Ahh...Valentine's Day. Cupid Day. Heart Day. Whatever you want to call it, it is pink, red, white, and chocolaty. Also, it usually involves class parties. Which tend to involve cupcakes. And cookies. And various other Gluten-Filled foods.

Cue Operation GF Infiltration. OF MY LUNCHBOX!!!!!! Whenever a holiday is coming up, and I suspect some celebrations to be imminent, I make sure my lunchbox is fully stocked with GF cookies, chips, and other general GF yumminess.

So. That's how I do it. What do you guys to do?


Jenn said...

I'm the same way, I make sure my backpack is filled with nut thins, life savers, and peanuts. Some Fruity and Cocoa Pebble bars are now in the mix since they are not GF! I also scope out where I am and the vending machines to see what GF Options they have. Thankfully my friends don't get sick of me talking about GF and listen very well, and when they bring goodies to class, always have an option for me =)

Celiac Cake said...

YUM!!! :)